Elementor #1052



BRITISH COUNCIL – The UK’s international organization for cultural cooperation and educational opportunities, is one of the three IELTS organizers in more than 100 countries with high and consistent standards. Therefore, the British Council is considered one of the most prestigious IELTS test preparation centers in Vietnam today.

With a strong brand, the British Council is always the choice of many candidates who want to achieve high results in the IELTS exam.

However, in recent years, IELTS test centers in Vietnam have exploded. Candidates seem to get lost in the “matrix” of services, marketing, advertising of a series of poor quality English centers.

So how to increase brand awareness, affirm the quality of training and reach the target group of students who need IELTS preparation  effectively?

Difficult problem sent to Michia Communication – close partner for many years consulting and providing successful communication solutions for the British Council.


With the advantage of cooperating in many previous media campaigns, Michia Communication understands the British Council’s customers . Immediately, street banner advertising campaign was planned in detail,

which is both cost-effective and highly effective when directly approaching  students at university gates, student streets.

With many years of  experience, only after 3 days from the time of planning, legal issues has been approved..

British Council VietnamACHIEVEMENT

After just one night of implementation, a series of BRITISH COUNCIL banners are present on 30 most bustling streets in Hanoi, focusing on the addresses of prestigious universities such as: University of Education, University Foreign Trade, Banking Academy, …

British Council has been able to reach huge potential customers in a short time, helping to strengthen the brand and increase sales.

With efficiency exceeding expectations, Michia Communication has been continuously trusted by the British Council to be a communications strategy consultant for upcoming campaigns, promising to bring more results.

British Council