Hinode City – Tokyo symphony



Michia is honored to accompany a leading real estate business in Vietnam – Vietracimex with Hinode City Apartment Project, bringing a new wind from Japan to Hanoi. Hinode City is a project aimed at high-end middle-end customers, who want to buy houses in the inner city, near the old town. This is a unique Japanese-style project, building a space close to nature, harmonious with many facilities for generations in the family in the inner city. Compared to other investors who have a reputation in the market such as VinGroup, SunGroup … Vietracimex, despite its experience in business, Vietracimex is a newbie in the real estate market. From the above fact, the purpose of this campaign should focus on branding for the project while promoting the different values ​​of the project to bring to the target customers.


To achieve this goal, under the advice of Michia Communication, Hinode City chose to combine online and offline channels to help customers access project information in a multidimensional way.

1. Elite Fitness and California Fitness systems

Customers at Elite and California Fitness gyms are high-income people, pursuing positive values, willing to pay. This is the customers that Hinode City project target In addition to the usual form of advertising such as: Standee, clips on LCD / Frame screens, real estate projects can also be set up with specialists standing in consultation. This type is unique, highly effective and easy to measure.

2. Digital channel

The main fanpage of the project is selected as the main portal. The PR articles are regularly posted on prestigious newspaper sites, also posted on fanpage, creating significant remarketing effects, and helping to boost the brand’s reputation. The content is not merely focused on products, but also provides plenty of space for lifestyle content, introducing unique Japanese cultural values ​​that Hinode City residents can enjoy and feel while living in here. This content route creates a natural interest of target customers, also giving customers interesting knowledge and experience about Japan. Offline events at the project such as Sun Festival, Summer Festival are held regularly at the project, attracting many people to attend. Information about the events is posted on fanpage and PR articles, creating the combination between online and offline.


The campaign is still ongoing, but outstanding results can be clearly seen through the coverage of Hinode City brand, through the positive feedback of potential customers on both offline and online channels. More specifically, the marketing effects have helped the project’s Sales department connect with customers and promote project sales.